This is the second course in the Macroeconomics sequence at the undergraduate level. The focus of this course is studying economic outcomes in the long run. We will primarily be learning about theoretical models pertaining to economic growth and current empirical patterns associated with it. We will discuss the different sources of growth: technological change, accumulation of physical and human capital, population growth, geography, and government. Students are expected to be well-versed in concepts of functions, derivatives, integrals, and ordinary differential equations. 

Class Timing: Tuesday and Thursday 10:10-11:40 (Section 2202-1), 11:50-1:20 (Section 2202-2). 

Office Hours Timing: Tuesdays and Wednesdays, 5:30-6:30, or by appointment.

Office Hours Sign-Up Sheet:

Teaching Fellow: Varun Bansal (Office Hours: 4PM to 6PM, Friday)

Office Hours Sign-Up: